und mechanisches Verhalten des Schaumglases
von Dr. sc. techn. ETH Rudolf Trinkner
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A.3. en
B. en
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List of references
( 1):
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( 2):
W. von GOETHE: "Metamorphosis of plants", 1790.
( 3):
Sir William THOMSON (Kelvin): "On the Division of Space with Minimum Partitional Area". Philosophical Magazine, 1887.
( 4):
R.E. WILLIAMS: "Space-Filling Polyhedron: Its Relation to Aggregates of Soap Bubbles, Plant Cells, and Metal Crystallites". Science, July 19, 1968.
( 5):
Ervin E. UNDERWOOD: "Quantitative Stereology". Addision-Wesley Publishing Company, 1969.
( 6):
A.A. GRIFFITH: "The Phenomena of Rupture and Flaw in Solids". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1920.
( 7):
H.G. HAHN: "Fracture mechanics". LAMM, Band 30, Teubner, 1976.
( 8):
Adolf SMEKAL: "the strength properties of brittle bodies". Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften, 1936.
( 9):
D.P.H. HASSELMANN und R.M. FULRATH: "Mechanical Properties of Continuous Matrix, Dispersed Phase Ceramic Systems". Proceeding of third international material Symposium, 1966.
( 10):
V. SATAVA: "Pore structure and properties of materials". Proceeding of the international Symposium RILEM/IUPAC, 1973.
( 11):
W. KLEBER: "Introduction to crystallography". VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1965.
( 12):
K. GIRKMANN: "Surface loading structures". Springer-Verlag, Wien, 1959.
( 13):
J.F. NYE: "Physical Properties of Crystals". Oxford, 1957.
( 14):
R. HILL: "The Elastic Behavior of a Crystalline Aggregate". The Proceeding of the Physical Society, Vol. 65, Section A, 1952.
( 15):
Symposium on the Fracture Mechanics of ceramics, held at the Pennsylvania State University, 1973.
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